VASSAL Reference Manual

Home > Module > Game Piece Palette > Game Piece > Invisible


This trait gives a Game Piece the capability to be made invisible.  Specify the key which the user will type to make the piece invisible and the name for the command that will appear in the popup menu.  The visibility of the Game Piece can be defined by three different means.  It can be based on the Player, so only the Player turning it invisible sees it.  It can be based on the Player Side, so all players that are on the same side can see it.  Or it can be made invisible for all but a given side.  The same command turns invisible piece visible again.  To those players to which the Game Piece is visible, the piece will appear transparent against a background of the specified color.  To other players it will not appear at all.   This trait actually only hides those traits that are before it in the list of traits, so it should generally be the last trait of a Game Piece.

This piece sets the Property InvisibleToOthers=true when invisible.